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FKSH Visit
2nd largest shelter in Malaysia
Hope Shelter,JB
This is just 1 of 9 zones
F5 Meets MDBB
Chats with influential Wani Muthiah
Visit to Papan Dumpsite
Where dogs are dumped
F5 Visits Putrajaya(HR)
Ban dogs at constr. sites plse!
F5 Board - Dr. Kartini and Ms Vijaya( NGO Malaysia)
with Miss Vijaya
MIAR Donation
Clay bowls for the furkids
F5 Visits Malaysia Animal Association
Lets amend laws that hurt our strays
1 day feeding in Ipoh
With an amazing person
Meeting with PK Exco
To discuss stray welfare in Ipoh
SPCA Visit
With its head of operations
MAWA Shelter Visit
Justice For Cera
A puppy abused for no reason
Message in Malay
Message from Founder
Why we must act now!
SCAS Visit
MAKS Meeting
Discussing TNRM in PJ
F5 Appreciation Brunch
For Ipoh Rescuers
F5 Advisor Dr Ashley Anju with a stray puppy
F5 Visits Choy Yun Gao
Home for strays- Seremban
Please adopt a stray
Do not shop for purebreds!
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