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Looking at their faces brings a tear

At the end of every month, I do "equalization" for our neutering projects. This basically means counterchecking the information and photos provided by our veterinarian panel for our neutering projects. I just completed September's equalization for our Ipoh project. We spayed 34 strays in Ipoh in September. When I look at the photos of their faces, incision, ear slit, I cannot help but say a silent prayer of hope that god blesses them and spares them from anguish. Albeit, these dogs will no longer produce unwanted puppies, but we all deeply hope they are able to spend the rest of their lives on the streets, with a full tummy( most days at least), shelter and do not cross paths with any of the many evil humans who have no regard for their lives.

To date, we have spayed 189 dogs in Ipoh since May 2023, and spent about RM 29K.

I do not mean to sound like a broken record, but this project can only be sustainable if we get support from the public, both in Malaysia and abroad. We really need committed monthly donors and folks no amount is too small.

I will sign off with photos from our September dogs we spayed.

woof woof ! Namita

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